Saturday, March 17, 2012

AngI.n.K. Corner: Vernal Equinox

Living in a temperate country makes one quite ignorant of words such as equinox and solstices Even if you don't know what they mean, one has to agree, they do sound nice and cool! And that's one of the reasons I chose this topic for this round of AngI.n.K Corner features. Learn and create at the same time.
"When the center of the Sun directly aligns to the celestial equator of the Earth.... And when the length of the day is almost as long as night... marks the start of Spring, a time of celebration of life and rebirth, the dawn of a new cycle of seasons."
The equinox happens twice a year, and on March 20, 2012, the vernal equinox occurs and it marks the start of Spring at least for those living in the northern hemisphere. This is significant for most cultures around the world because it marks the start of the year and a new cycle of seasons, and holds spiritual meaning as well for some religions (It's not coincidence that Easter happens near the equinox).
Here are the characters:
My rendition of the Earth… a component graphic for an upcoming piece about the vernal equinox. Funny, how I channeled a Humpty Dumpty look into the character. I love his Equator belt!
My rendition of the Sun… a component graphic for an upcoming piece about the vernal equinox. Just looking at her makes me feel all warm inside
My rendition of Day and Night having a conversation… a component graphic for an upcoming piece about the vernal equinox. Mr. Night here remarks how he’s as tall as Ms. Day already is, and the lady just shyly agrees.
My rendition of the Eostre, the dawn goddess… a component graphic for an upcoming piece about the vernal equinox. Bunnies and cranes always makes me giddy.

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